

Aug 16, 2023

Property owner leads authorities to his stolen bulldozer

The owner of a stolen bulldozer led law enforcement to its location on Sunday.

George Saxton was storing his bulldozer at a friend's property in New Caney until Friday morning, May 5, when he received a call with bad news. His friend informed him that there was a security video recording of his bulldozer being stolen at approximately 7 a.m.

After Saxton got the surveillance video, he started sharing it on various Facebook groups. While waiting for further news, he drove around New Caney and the surrounding areas in hopes of finding his bulldozer.

"I spent the whole weekend looking. It wasn't until someone contacted me on Facebook and told me exactly where it was," Saxton said.

On Sunday, May 8, Saxton went to where a Facebook follower advised him to go. He ended up at CR 396 in Cleveland. He viewed the property and, sure enough, his excavator was there.

He contacted the Liberty County Pct. 6 Constable's office by phone to ask for help. A search warrant was signed.

"We contacted the property owner and he said he had been hired to go pick up the bulldozer and repair it. In fact, he has text messages from the people who hired him to do it. The bulldozer was recovered," said Deputy Constable Chris Weisinger of the Liberty County Pct. 6 Constable's Office.

All information about the recovery will be given to Montgomery County as it is the originating agency in the theft. This is an ongoing investigation.