

Aug 28, 2023

Letter to the editor: Don’t destroy the Tangipahoa River

To those of you who support the destruction of the Tangipahoa River and the area around it: You have this right and I would not deny you the right to support what you believe in.

My question is this: Are you supporting the project or the people behind the project? There is a legal right and a moral right. It is obvious that this project is not morally right. Once this area is destroyed it can never be replaced. Once the bulldozers, dump trucks and other heavy equipment have done their work, it will never be the same.

Chatawa is a place of beauty. It is home to countless animals and other wildlife. It is a place for people to visit and enjoy the solitude of nature in the wonders God made.

The river is not a stream for sewage and other dangerous chemicals. Look at what is happening to the Pearl River in Jackson.

Walk along the river bank and sandbars of the Tangipahoa. Wade in its waters. See for yourself why our forefathers wanted to preserve this area. Then imagine the bulldozers and pollution that will soon come.

— Charles Roland, Chatawa

— Charles Roland, Chatawa